Extracurriculars are a must to get the most of out high school. At Elliot, we believe a good high school education educates the whole person. As we recognize that our students have different interests and abilities, we provide extracurricular opportunities that cater to our students' diverse interests.
We encourage students and families to try any extracurricular the student is interested in, even if the student has little to no experience. We love helping students ignite new passions and gain skills they didn't yet have! So be sure to go out for a sport or join a service, academic or competitive club!
Student Council is a group of students elected by their peers to plan events that contribute to school spirit and community. StuCo plans all of our spirit week activities, dances, house days and fun lunchtime activities. They also volunteer to help serve at our fundraisers and are the voice of the student body.

Elliot Interact Club is a Rotary-sponsored service club. Interact Club gives our students the opportunity to participate in fun and meaningful service projects in the community. Elliot Interact is self-supporting and self-governing, encouraging the development of leadership skills. Operation Christmas Child Samaritan's Purse and Pennies for Patients Leukemia & Lymphoma Society are examples of charities we support every year.